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Navigating the ups and downs of relationships, between friends, lovers and family
Holy Relationships

What makes relationships within the body of Christ different to regular friendships?

Crazy Sexy Love -  Part 4: Making Love (Last) // Philip Jinadu
Making Love (Last)

Our culture is great at the casual fling but long lasting relationships, not so much. So what are the keys to growing love over the long haul?

Crazy Sexy Love -  Part 3: The Hassle of the Sexes // Alexia Roberts
The Hassle of the Sexes

Sexual equality isn’t a new idea. It’s right there in the first pages of the Bible. Perhaps we can learn something from this ancient wisdom.

Facebook Friends

So much of friendship connection now happens via social media. But is it real, is it as good and what are the dangers?

Flirting Friends

What do you do when friendship collides with romance? What are the rules for dating, relating or just letting someone down gently?

Fighting Friends

What happens when friction and fighting hit friendship? And how do you call a friend out without jeopardising the relationship?

Faithful Friends

Is there a better way to do friendship than simply finding someone just like you? What is the Biblical model of friendship commitment?

Fighting Chance

The statistics for sustaining a relationship for life are not good. So how can we give ourselves a fighting chance for success and happiness?

Better at Conflict

What causes conflict and breakdown in our relationships, and what can we do about it?

Better at Communication

Communication is the key to any successful relationship. So what's the secret to better speaking - and listening?

The Purity Principle

What guidelines does the Bible give for modern couples building relationships?

A Broken Revolution

What benefits did the sexual revolution bring, and at what cost?

Intimacy Follows

What actions, decisions and behaviours lead to long term intimacy and what ones work against it?

Love Me Don't

When you think that love is a feeling and the easiest thing in the world to express.

Try Before You Buy

When you think the best way to prepare for a lifetime together is to move in together.

You Complete Me

When you think there’s a special soulmate out there who will meet your needs and make you happy.

Better Not

When you think the ideal relationship is simply not attainable, or just not worth the bother.

Broken Up

How do we recover when our hearts have been broken? What’s the key to surviving relationship breakdowns without becoming hard and bitter?

Loving is Hard

The Bible’s matter-of-fact promise of joyful and loving relationships that are harmonious, kind, tender and long lasting seems too good to be true. So how do such relationships work and how do you get one?

Commitment is Hard

Most relationships don’t go the distance, and those that do don’t always inspire confidence in 'happily ever after'. So what’s the secret to staying committed to one another and enjoying it?

Singleness is Hard

In a culture that idealises happy couples, being single can feel like second best. But singleness offers unique possibilities for personal growth. So how do we use our singleness to invest in ourselves, as well as in any future relationships?

Happiness is Hard

Short term happiness is relatively easy to get, but finding really deep and lasting happiness is much harder. Is it possible that establishing helpful boundaries for our sex lives is a key in the pursuit of happiness?